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Read the report

By May 15, 2016July 29th, 2024No Comments
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To the Editor:

The report that I composed on behalf of the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council is being used to present a point of view for the upcoming vote on Measure V. Though the unsolicited use of my name (it appears in the sample ballot in the “Arguments For and Against”) is unfortunate, as my personal position on the measure is one of neutrality, it affords me the opportunity to invite the voters of Mendocino County to read my report entitled: Understanding the Relationships between Dead Trees and Fire — A Literature Review. The report is an expansive review of the scientific literature examining the relationships between dead trees and wildland fire. As was intended, the report is designed to assist all interested parties in gaining a better understanding of the many variables affecting wildland fire behavior. The report can be accessed through the UC Cooperative Extension — Mendocino web page . The link is on the right-hand column on the front page. For those voters who do not have access to a computer they can call my office, 463-4495, and request a paper copy of the report.

— Greg Giusti, Forest Advisor, University of California