MRC uses landscape planning as a tool to estimate future harvest opportunities, model forest and habitat growth over time, and to insure management objectives are met. The landscape planning process allows MRC to address whether current and planned future operations will enable it to reach various goals.
HRC is currently in the process of reviewing and validating the inventory of trees and other forest resources on its lands, and will use this information as the foundation of a new long-term landscape plan that will be shared with the public before it is adopted.
The landscape planning process for MRC and HRC is based on sampling efforts throughout the forest. The data are collected on the ground and used to estimate the current condition of the forest (data collected from various stands in the forest are used to extrapolate conditions on the rest of the forestlands). The on-the-ground data are then input into a computer database, which simulates forest growth and yield and provides estimates on future conifer inventory, habitat conditions, and harvest opportunities. Inventory, growth, and harvest information is collected annually and are used to monitor MRC’s progress toward their management objectives. A thorough review of the inventory, growth, and harvest data will occur at the commencement of each new period, resulting in an updated forecast of inventory, growth, and harvest events. This will ensure that the management is on track to achieve its goal. A similar monitoring plan will be in place for HRC’s long-term harvest plan.
MRC has a current landscape plan and Option A document in place that governs ongoing harvest activities. Also, MRC and HRC both have maps of high conservation value areas which are provided additional protections under our landscape plans.