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Mendocino • Humboldt

MRC® was created in July 1998 and consists of approximately 350 square miles (228,800 acres) of coast redwood and Douglas-fir timberlands spanning across 75 Northern California coastal watersheds with 1,500 miles of year-round streams. The timberlands of MRC are located about two hours north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Mendocino and Sonoma counties.

HRC™ was created in July 2008 through the reorganization of the former Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) and related entities. HRC consists of approximately 327 square miles (209,300 acres) of coast redwood and Douglas-fir timberlands spanning across 60 Northern California coastal watersheds with about 305 miles of fish-bearing streams and nearly 1,100 miles of streams supporting non-fish aquatic life. The timberlands of HRC are located about five hours north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Humboldt County.

From the beginning, MRC’s stated purpose has been to demonstrate it is possible to manage productive timberlands with a high standard of environmental stewardship, and also operate a successful business. The company’s original stewardship objective has evolved into a goal of restoring its property to a redwood and Douglas-fir dominated selectively-harvested forest. Additional stewardship objectives include measurable improvements in aquatic and upslope habitat, old growth protection, clean water, and community well-being, in addition to producing long-term sustainable timber supplies.

Investment in HRC provides an opportunity to duplicate what has worked well for MRC. Within the first week of operation, HRC began converting Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) units that were approved as clearcuts under the previous owner to selection harvest. Both MRC and HRC have a policy of open and transparent operations, and are willing to take interested members of the public anywhere on our timberlands. Please Contact Us to learn how.

Note: All links above are to PDF files.

About Redwood

Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) grows in the summer fog belt that stretches from central California north to the Oregon border. Its height ranges from 30 to 112 m (100 to 367 ft): one specimen has been measured at 97 meters (at least 318 ft); the diameter of the trunk measures up to 7.5 m (25 ft). The life span of the coast redwood is believed to be 2,500 years. Coast Redwood has the ability to sprout from the root-crown following death of the main stem. It is tolerant of flooding and its bark is resistant to fire.

The habitat of the coast redwood is a climate where rainfall is typically around 60 inches per year. Eighty percent of this rainfall occurs during the six months between November 1 and April 30. Topography varies from sea level to about 3,000 feet, and is marked by steep, narrow canyons. The slopes on which coast redwood grows commonly rise 50 to 70 feet or more per 100 feet. Soils of the redwood region have mostly been formed on sandstones and shales, and to a lesser extent on slate, chert, limestone and schist.

Community Giving

The MendoCo Family of Companies proudly supports the local community! Non-profit organizations are invited to participate in our Community Giving Program. Non-profit organizations may apply by submitting a request for donation in writing and include a description of the organization and how the funds or product donation will be used. Non-profit organizations with 501(c) (3) status may request funding over $250. Non-profit organizations that do not hold 501(c) (3) may be considered for funding up to $249. Requests may be submitted year-round and will be considered for funding as long as funds remain in our giving budget.

Upon receipt, requests will be reviewed by the company’s community giving teams and considered for funding. Priority may be given based on need and to organizations that the company has partnered with in the past, including Agriculture, Education, Health & Human Services, Seniors and Youth. Requests may be submitted via e-mail or US Mail.

We look forward to hearing from you. Supporting non-profit organizations in our local communities is very important to our family of businesses.

Funding Requests

Funding requests from organizations in Humboldt County may be submitted to:

Humboldt Sawmill Company
Humboldt Redwood Company
Attn: Community Action Team c/o Sal Chinnici
P.O. Box 712
Scotia, CA 95565

Funding requests from organizations in Lake, Mendocino and Sonoma Counties may be submitted to:

Mendocino Forest Products Company
Mendocino Redwood Company
Attn: Community Action Team c/o Krista Savonen
P.O. Box 996
Ukiah, CA 95482


Community Scholarship
High school senior students attending a Humboldt or Mendocino County (California) high school are eligible to participate in our annual Community Scholarship. Senior students must enroll in an accredited four-year college or university to meet eligibility requirements. The application deadline for the 2025 Community Scholarship is March 28, 2025.

2025 Community Scholarship Overview

2025 Community Scholarship Application

Employee Dependent Scholarship
This scholarship is only available to children and grandchildren of active or retired Mendocino Companies’ Employees.

High school senior students that are children or grandchildren of active or retired Mendocino Companies’ Employees (all work locations) are eligible to participate in our annual Employee Dependent Scholarship. Post-graduation, students must enroll in an accredited four-year college or university to meet eligibility requirements. The application deadline for the 2025 Employee Dependent Scholarship is March 28, 2025.

2025 Employee Dependent Scholarship Overview

2025 Employee Dependent Scholarship Application


We welcome your questions, feedback, and comments. Please feel free to get in touch with us by visiting our Contact Us page.