MRC® was created in July 1998 and consists of approximately 350 square miles (228,800 acres) of coast redwood and Douglas-fir timberlands spanning across 75 Northern California coastal watersheds with 1,500 miles of year-round streams. The timberlands of MRC are located about two hours north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Mendocino and Sonoma counties.
HRC™ was created in July 2008 through the reorganization of the former Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) and related entities. HRC consists of approximately 327 square miles (209,300 acres) of coast redwood and Douglas-fir timberlands spanning across 60 Northern California coastal watersheds with about 305 miles of fish-bearing streams and nearly 1,100 miles of streams supporting non-fish aquatic life. The timberlands of HRC are located about five hours north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Humboldt County.
From the beginning, MRC’s stated purpose has been to demonstrate it is possible to manage productive timberlands with a high standard of environmental stewardship, and also operate a successful business. The company’s original stewardship objective has evolved into a goal of restoring its property to a redwood and Douglas-fir dominated selectively-harvested forest. Additional stewardship objectives include measurable improvements in aquatic and upslope habitat, old growth protection, clean water, and community well-being, in addition to producing long-term sustainable timber supplies.