Large, old trees on the landscape are a key habitat element for terrestrial wildlife and plant species. Both MRC and HRC protect all trees meeting our old growth definition either as individual trees or as a stand of trees. To better manage our forestlands, we have divided old growth stands into two types (as defined by the Forest Stewardship Council): (1) Type I stands are unharvested old growth that are permanently protected from any harvest, and (2) Type II stands are previously harvested but retain significant old growth characteristics. Harvest of Type II stands is allowed only if the harvest will retain existing old growth trees and enhance the old growth characteristics of the stand. MRC has identified approximately 105 acres of Type I (unharvested) old growth stands while the HRC staff is currently working through an assessment identifying Type I stands on the landscape.
The remaining previously logged second-growth forests on MRC and HRC lands contain scattered old growth trees in low densities on MRC lands and greater densities on HRC land. These old trees are being preserved based on the protection policy below that defines old trees based on age, size, function and characteristics specific to particular species. As far as we know, MRC and HRC are the only large industrial forestland owners to have such a comprehensive old growth protection policy.
Individual trees preserved from harvesting include:
- Any redwood tree, = 48” diameter at breast height (dbh), established prior to 1800
- Any Douglas-fir tree, = 36” dbh, established prior to 1800
- Any tree established prior to 1800 (conifer or hardwood), regardless of dbh, with a preponderance of species-specific old growth characteristics
- Any tree (conifer or hardwood) established prior to 1800 that cannot be replaced in size or ecological function within 80-130 years regardless of dbh or presence of old growth characteristics. Generally, this fourth trigger is applicable to areas of exceptionally low soil quality, such as pygmy forest, pygmy transition soil, serpentine soils, or rocky outcroppings.