With a culture rooted in environmental stewardship and communityengagement, the Mendocino Companies are proud to offer Education Tours to high school andcollege students in Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, and Humboldt Counties. Tours will be availableat our Ukiah and Scotia facilities in the Spring and Fall. Tours will be limited to 20 orfewer participants at a time and include lunch and all personal protective equipment (PPE).Additional details will be provided upon request to interested parties. To schedule a tourcontact Eileen Russell, Manager, Community Engagement: (707) 472-6005 or
Ukiah EducationTour
The Ukiah Education Tour will start in ourMendocino County timberland tract. Students will learn about our management practicesincluding improvements to aquatic and wildlife habitat, protections for old-growth stands,and measures to improve fire-resilience on our lands, among other topics. Next, studentswill tour our Ukiah sawmill and learn how technology helps maximize the fiber recovery andvalue of every log. Last, students will tour our 500,000 square foot Calpella distributioncenter to see how finished redwood and Douglas-fir products are handled and shipped tofulfill customer orders.
Scotia Education Tour
The ScotiaEducation Tour will start in our Humboldt County timberland tract with learning objectivessimilar to those of the Ukiah Education Tour. Students will then tour our Scotia sawmill, alarge log mill capable of processing logs as large as 60” in diameter. Students will seehigh-value redwood and Douglas-fir timbers and uppers commonly specified for architecturalapplications. Last, students will visit our Scotia Fisheries Exhibit, which houses Chinooksalmon and steelhead trout, and provides the public with additional information about ourscientific monitoring programs.
About the Mendocino Companies
TheMendocino Companies include Allweather Wood, Humboldt Redwood Company, Humboldt SawmillCompany, Mendocino Forest Products, Mendocino Redwood Company.
Inaggregate the Mendocino Companies own nearly 450,000 acres of Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC® C013133) certificated redwood and Douglas-fir timberland, constitute the largestwaterborne wood treater in the Western USA, and is the largest producer of redwood lumber inthe world. Collectively providing over 900 employees and their families with excellent wagesand benefits in rural communities of the Western USA. Additionally, Mendocino Companies ownand operate a 25-megaWatt biomass cogeneration power plant and wood pellet plant, both inCalifornia.
With operations spanning six WesternStates and ample opportunity for advancement, the Mendocino Companies welcome job seekers tovisit our website to learn more and review all open positions.