The Ukiah Daily Journal
Friday, December 16, 2005
P. A-8
Dareiela Lopez, a second year student at Mendocino College, recently received a first-place prize for her poster entitled, “The Forest’s Role in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration.” Lopez received her award at the first annual Science and Engineering Research Symposium at Chico State University sponsored by the Community College Association of MESA (Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement) Directors. The purpose of this symposium was to allow students from throughout the state to present research and informational posters on science and engineering projects.
Lopez carried out her research for this poster during a summer program that was jointly sponsored by Mendocino Redwood Company, Mendocino College and a grant from the National Science Foundation. During this summer program a group of 12 students from community colleges throughout California assembled at Mendocino College for a course hosted by Mendocino Redwood Company.
The students learned about the evidence of global warming and the environmental and economical effects of a changing climate. Students learned how forests play a large role in the carbon dioxide cycle and how carbon dioxide is thought to be one of the principal causes of global warming. The students then participated in field studies aimed at quantifying the amount of carbon in redwood forest managed specifically for maximizing carbon stocks. Their field data was entered into a database where subsequent analysis revealed carbon estimates.