May 13, 2001
Mike Jani
Mendocino Redwood Company LLC
P.O. Box 390
Calpelia CA 95418
Dear Mike,
Janet Morris and I want to say thanks again for being our host when we went on the May 11 trip to look at some of your company activities in the Greenwood Creek watershed. Before going on the trip we were without any bias for or against the company.
You and your staff did a good job in responding to questions and comments. Their names we recall are Russ Shively, Nancy Budge and John Anderson. Janet and I were impressed by the openness and willingness you all had in sharing some of your information and knowledge with us.
We are glad it was possible for us to go on this UC Cooperative Extension excursion. We first saw a short announcement item in the Mendocino Beacon on Thursday May 1O. It would have been nice to know about it sooner, but appreciate being included.
Janet and I are not at all knowledgeable about good or bad forestry practices but feel you, your staff, and your company will resist doing bad things to the land.
Jim Richter Elk, CA