September 14, 1998
Ukiah Daily Journal
I thank the Ukiah Daily Journal for talking with us about some of the criticisms that have been made against us by folks on the coast. We are early in the building of a new business, and we are committed to demonstrating that it is possible to operate a large block of productive forest lands utilizing a high standard of environmental stewardship and at the same time run a successful business.
We have and will continue to talk with our neighbors and members of the community who are interested in what we are doing on our lands. We strongly believe we can best achieve our goals by working with all the people who care about our lands.
Please permit me to clarify three topics talked about in the article.
The Russell Brook watershed is approximately 2,500 acres, and contains 18 acres of forest land that have never been entered. In addition, we agree that Russell Brook contains at least several hundred acres of land that has been harvested probably two times but still contains a significant number of scattered residual old growth trees. We have put operations in this area on hold, and will formulate long term management plans for the area.
We are developing a policy on old growth. Until we have completed a policy on old growth, which will likely involve input from a number of outside experts, we will not be entering previously un-entered stands or areas that have significant concentrations of old growth (which we have defined as 30 or more trees on five acres, where the trees are 250 years old or older and greater than 48 inches in diameter at breast height). Individual old growth trees are evaluated for wildlife value, and some are harvested while others are preserved.
We are in the process of creating long term plans for the management of the land. We have consistently said that we will harvest approximately 40 million feet for the first couple of years in this business. We will address harvest levels beyond this as we are formulating our plans.
Many people in the community have expressed support or curiosity about what we are doing. Our 450 employees welcome this interest. For those who doubt our intentions, talk with us, visit our land, help us find better ways to care for the environment while we also build Mendocino Redwood into a successful business that everyone in the community can be proud of. My door is always open, and my phone is 485-8731.
Sandy Dean
President, Mendocino Redwood Company