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Letter to the Editor regarding Right of Way Agreements

By November 12, 2003July 29th, 2024No Comments
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November 12, 2003

Letter to the Editor
Anderson Valley Advertiser
Boonville, CA 95415

Subject: Uneasy Easements


Big River State Park needs your help. There is an unusual and perhaps illegal situation that needs action.

When State Parks wants to develop roads in the State Park, they are subject to Environmental Review. When a logging company wants to develop roads on their private property, they are subject to Environmental Review… But right now, Mendocino Redwood Company (MRC) is developing roads within Big River State Park with no Environmental Review whatsoever!

This is causing environmental damage contrary to the terms and conditions which established Big River State Park.

Damages already sustained include:

Diesel spill
Grading of Road
Filling of wetland habitat and Destruction of wetland plant species
Tree removal
Collapse of a failed culvert coincident with logging truck accident

This damage has taken place on less than one mile of State Park road. MRC claims access to over 200 miles of roads in Big River State Park!

The December 20, 2003 deadline for public action is upon us.


1. Do nothing?
2. Strongly urge Mendocino Land Trust (MLT) to pressure State Parks to defend the Park!
3. Strongly urge State Parks Attorneys to enforce requirement of Environmental Review of MRC use of roads within Big River State Park.
4. Bring forth a Public benefit lawsuit (prior to 12/20/03).

We urge you to attend a special Big River Citizen Advisory Meeting on Wednesday November 19th, at 7pm, at the Mendocino Recreation Center, located at the comer of School and Pine.

If you want to talk personally with a member of the CAC, please feel free to call:
Russell Feiber (707-937-2248), Linda Perry (707-937-4775), Lorraine Buranzon (707-937-3799) or Carol Robson, Chair, (707-937-2826).