rare plants

Rare Plants

MRC and HRC survey all proposed timber harvesting areas for the occurrence of rare plants and their habitats. This includes a field analysis as well as a review of the California Department of Fish and Game’s California Natural Diversity Database.


Table 1 – Rare and uncommon plant occurrences on MRC forestlands, 2023.

Latin Name Common Name  CRPR # Occurrences (total) Approx # Plants Status
Abronia umbellata var. brevifolia Pink Sand Verbena  1B.1 1 Unknown  Special Status
Angelica lucida Sea Watch 4.2 2 3 Watch List
Astragalus agnicidus Humboldt milk-vetch 1B.1 31 15,819 Special Status
Calamagrostis bolanderi Bolander's reed grass 4.2 16 43,145 Watch List
Calamagrostis foliosa Leafy Reed Grass 4.2 1 3 Watch List
Eastwoodiella californica swamp harebell 1B.2 22 49,843 Special Status
Carex californica* California sedge 2B.3 4 5 Special Status
Castilleja littoralis Oregon coast paintbrush 2B.2 1 6 Special Status
Castilleja mendocinensis** Mendocino coast paintbrush 1B.2 1 Unknown Special status
Ceanothus gloriosus var. exaltatus Glory Bush Ceanothus 4.3 11 811 Watch List
Clarkia amoena ssp. Whitneyi** Whitney's farewell-to-spring 1B.1 1 Unknown Special Status
Coptis laciniata Oregon goldthread 4.2 34 11,815 Special Status
Cordylanthus tenuis spp. brunneus serpentine bird's beak 4.3 1 100 Watch List
Erythronium revolutum coast fawn lily 2B.2 3 161 Special Status
Hemizonia congesta ssp. calyculata Mendocino tarplant 4.3 1 3,000 Watch List
Hesperocyparis pygmaea* pygmy cypress 1B.2 17 75 (+/-) Special Status
Horkelia marinensis** Point Reyes horkelia 1B.2 1 Unknown Special status
Horkelia tenuiloba thin-lobed horkelia 1B.2 3 122 (+/-) Special Status
Hosackia gracilis harlequin lotus 4.2 1 290 Watch List
Kopsiopsis hookeri small groundcone 2B.3 2 11 Special Status
Leptosiphon acicularis  bristly leptosiphon 4.2 1 200 Watch List
Lilium maritimum coast lily 1B.1 8 203 Special Status
Lilium rubescens redwood lily 4.2 75+ 2,422+ Watch List
Listeria cordata heart-leaved twayblade 4.2 9 273 Watch List
Lycopodium clavatum running-pine 4.1 2 8 Watch List
Mitellastra caulescens leafy-stemmed mitrewort 4.2 33 14,892 Watch List
Pinus contorta ssp. Bolanderi* Bolander's beach pine 1B.2 4 27 Special Status
Piperia candida white-flowered rein orchid 1B.2 59 2,221 Special Status
Pityopus californicus California pinefoot 4.2 5 24 Watch List
Pleuropogon hooverianus North Coast semaphore grass 1B.1 9 29,873 Special Status
Pleuropogon refractus nodding semaphore grass 4.2 1 75 Watch List
Ramalina thrausta Angel's hair lichen 2B.1 1 1 (undetermined) Special Status
Sidalcea malachroides maple-leaved checkerbloom 4.2 10 355 Watch List
Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. hoffmanii Hoffman's bristly jewel-flower 1B.3 2 27 Special Status
Thermopsis robusta robust false lupine 1B.2 7 80+ Special status
Trifolium buckwestiorum Santa Cruz clover 1B.1 1 90+ (2022) Special status
Usnea longissima Methuselah's beard lichen 4.2 105 N/A Watch List
*These taxa are present on MRC property in pygmy forest in numbers far exceeding those reported in this table.  Counts and estimates here reflect total occurrences and plant counts reported where they were addressed in THP surveys.

Table 2 – Rare plant occurrences on HRC forestlands, 2023.

Latin name Common name No. of populations 1 No. of quads Estimated no. of plants
Astragalus agnicidus Humboldt milk-vetch 2 2 7,437
Carex arcta Northern clustered sedge 3 2 55
Erythronium revolutum / oregonum Coast fawn lily / giant fawn lily 34 9 10,603
Gilia capitata ssp. pacifica Pacific gilia 31 9 16,473
Montia howellii Howell’s montia 46 12 18,180
Packera bolanderi var. bolanderi Seacoast ragwort 39 7 11,959
Piperia candida White-flowered rein orchid 26 6 2,332
Sidalcea malvaeflora ssp. patula Siskiyou checkerbloom 13 7 3,008
Total   194 NA 70,047

Table 3 – Uncommon plant occurrences on HRC forestlands, 2023.

Latin name Common name No. of populations 1 No. of quads Estimated no. of plants
Astragalus rattani var. rattani Rattan's milk-vetch 1 1                   1
Chrysosplenium glechomifolium Pacific golden sacifrage 12 5            2,168
Coptis laciniata Oregon goldenthread 3 1            1,150
Epilobium septentrionale Humboldt County fuchsia 1 1               100
Hemizonia congesta ssp. tracyi Tracy's tarplant 4 4               600
Hosackia gracilis harlequin lotus 1 1                 20
Lathyrus glandulosus sticky pea 6 3                 123
Listera cordata hear-leaved twayblade 116 12          75,445
Lilium kelloggii Kellogg's lily 136 7            7,121
Lilium rubescens Redwood lily 64 10            1,569
Lycopodium clavatum Running-pine 143 11               664
Mitellasra caulescens Leafy-stemmed mitrewort 63 10          65,392
Pityopus californicus California pinefoot 33 8               112
Pleuropogon refractus Nodding semaphore grass 47 11            3,021
Ribes roezlii var. amictum Hoary gooseberry 7 3               348
Sidalcea malachroides Maple-leaved checkerbloom 96 12          10,552
Usnea longissima Long-beard lichen 198 14            5,392
Total   931 NA        173,778