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Watercourse Classification

(Last Updated October 2005)

Water Class:

Water Class Characteristics or Key Indicator Beneficial Use

Class I:

  • Domestic supplies, including springs, on site and/or within 100 feet downstream of the operations area and/or
  • Fish always or seasonally present onsite, includes habitat to sustain fish migration and spawning.

Large Class II:

  1. Watershed is > 100 acres in size.
  2. Aquatic habitat for nonfish aquatic species.
  3. Excludes Class III waters that are tributary to Class I waters.

Small Class II:

  1. Watershed is < 100 acres in size.
  2. Aquatic habitat for nonfish aquatic species.
  3. Excludes Class III waters that are tributary to Class I waters.

Class III:

No aquatic life present, watercourse showing evidence of being capable of sediment transport to Class I and II waters under normal high water flow conditions after completion of timber operations.

Class IV:

Man-made watercourses, usually downstream, established domestic, agricultural, hydroelectric supply or other beneficial use.