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Logging Practices

(Last Revised 3/19/2003)

MRC’s logging practices are routinely inspected by various state and federal agencies that regulate commercial timber harvesting. Timber Harvest Plans (THPs) are reviewed before and after harvesting has been completed to ensure that plans are in accordance with the California Forest Practice Rules. Harvested areas are also reviewed to ensure that the harvesting contractor follows the provisions of the THP which often includes provisions exceeding state regulations. If the review determines variances from the regulations or plans, violations are issued and penalties assessed.

Over the past five years, MRC loggers have received a total of three violations. Two occurred in 2000, one due to following the wrong flagging, one due to inadequate installation of a road “waterbar.” The third occurred in 2001, also related to repair of a road “waterbar” after planting. MRC takes all violations seriously and works with logging contractors to make certain logging practices represent high stewardship values across all of its forestlands.